
Through, timely inspection we understand how important it is for you to know everything is possible about your prospective home. Our inspections exceed the standards set by the CAHPI and APHIS include:

Issue: Wire splicing must be enclosed in protective junction box for fire safety. #18 Extension cord is used for 15AMP circuit

Issue: Minimum 6 “ clearance required around single wall flue pipe to any combustible material

Issue: Wires entering junction box without connector.

Issue: Dryer vents are located to close to electric meter 

Issue: (7.5.2) A moisture-exhaust duct shall not terminate within 3ft (1m) in any direction of any pressure regulator vent or fresh-air-intake to prevent exhaust entering back into house

Issue: Electrical Mast doesn’t meet code requirement

Issue: Double tap wiring not allowed in service panel

Issue: Disconnected vent present, Bathroom improperly vents into attic and may cause moisture damage and condensation

Issue: Cracked or broken window frame

Issue: Missing air intake vent for sink drain